Thursday, March 15, 2012

The last few months

It has been a very wild few months since I've posted much to do with my recent losses in January and February. I was taking clomid and conceived both months with no problem but we lost both angels and are unsure what caused it. January's loss was so early on that the doctor attributed it to being a Blighted Ovum and we really didn't think it would happen again but on 2/27 my Birthday of all days I started to bleed heavily after several days of what I thought was implantation spotting. I have taken several blood tests to ensure my HCG levels were at zero, Wednesaday's test was the most difficult because it was the final test and I was at <2. Seeing that number was harder then I could ever imagine because I was holding onto hope that I had caught my rainbow. I trust in God and know that my time is coming, I know that one day I will add to my family and we will continue to grow in love. I am meeting with an Endocronologist tomorrow so we can get my hormones together once and for all so that come April we will catch that rainbows, yes I said rainbows because I will be happy with one but it would be so great if we were blessed with two. Not that God has to if it is not in his will but with how ever many he chooses for my family we will gladly oblige. :)